Astrology Readings: March/April 2022


Element: Water
Ruling Planet:
Creative, Imaginative,
Intuitive, Emotionally Sensitive,
and Spiritual
New Moon in Pisces:
March 02, 2022

Our community is all about being out and proud, creating and pushing policy, and living our lives passionately. However, you cannot pour from an empty cup. March invites us all to step into the energy of Pisces. Pisces closes out the astrological year and invites us to relax, reset, and renew. This is a time to meditate and contemplate: are we acting from our heart center, are we living our lives in alignment with our Soul Purpose? This is a great time to turn within and step into the flowing water of our dreams, hopes, and aspirations. It is the perfect way to prepare for the astrological New Year in April.


Element: Fire
Quality: Cardinal
Ruling Planet:
Optimistic, Ambition,
Self-Assertive, Entrepreneurial,
and Independent
New Moon in Aries:
April 01, 2022

Happy New Year! Aries begins the new astrological year. We have just crossed into Spring; it is time to come alive (good thing we chilled out in March). Aries is a Fire Sign and we are being invited to step into our passions and take action. Aries energy is summed up in this statement: “Don’t think about it – Be about it!” Stop waiting on the pandemic to end, your family to accept who you are, or whatever the excuse is… now is the time to act. Use the fire of Aries to ignite and fuel you as you act to bring about your best life and a world that works for everyone.