LGBTQ Week at University of Memphis is Coming Up!

University of Memphis’ LGBTQ+ organizations partner for LGBTQ Week on campus

Beginning Oct. 21, University of Memphis Stonewall Tigers Gender and Sexuality Alliance will celebrate LGBT Week. Their partner in the week-long celebration, Mid-South LGBTQ+ Archive, will close out the festivities with a drag performance on Oct. 25.

The schedule (all events are open to the public):

Mon., Oct. 21: LGBTQ+ Week Kickoff Carnival, 5 to 8 p.m., University Center (UC) lawn

Tues., Oct. 22: Stonewall Open Mic Night, 6 to 8 p.m., Meeman Auditorium, Journalism Building

Wed., Oct. 23, Stonewall Olympics Field Day, 3 to 5 p.m., UC Lawn

Thurs., Oct. 25: Stonewall History Lesson, 6 to 8 p.m., Meeman Auditorium

Fri., Oct. 25:

1 p.m., UC Shelby Room — Mid-South LGBTQ+ Archive kickoff event, “De-Centering Stonewall: Exploring LGBTQ+ History Beyond the Stonewall Uprising,” features a roundtable discussion on the last 50 years of local Memphis LGBTQ+ history featuring Vincent Astor, Gwendolyn Clemons, Anthony Hardaway, and Audrey May with a 3 p.m. reception to follow.

4 p.m., UC Shelby Room — Dr. Nikki Lane, a cultural and linguistic anthropologist, will deliver a
keynote address, “Throwing Shade on Pride: A Brief History of D.C.’s Black Pride.”

6 p.m., UC Memphis Rooms A&B — “Category Is . . . 1969–Now,” a drag show to commemorate the 1969 Miss Memphis Review. Co-hosted by the Archive and Stonewall Tigers.

If you have questions about the Stonewall Tigers events, please contact Stonewall Tigers via Facebook or at For information about the events sponsored by the Archive, contact the Archive via Facebook or by email at