Nashville LGBT Chamber Prepping for 2020

The Nashville LGBT Chamber is working hard for our members, the LGBT+ community, and Nashville as a whole, to be the best place to do business that is equal and open for all. 

We hope you are familiar with the chamber, but if not, please look at our website and follow us on social media to see what else we are doing. We would love for you to join us as a member. 

Membership Campaign – Food + Drink 

During November and December, the chamber is driving new membership with businesses that serve food and drinks to our community. This holiday season, we will direct a lot of traffic to our coveted online list of members. You’ll want to be listed so Nashville can find you. Visit our website or email for more information about joining. If you are looking for a place to eat or drink or have a party catered, check the directory to know where to go and feel welcomed and appreciated. 

TASTE 2019

Join us as we celebrate the eighth year of TASTE – Nashville’s premier tasting event! This year we are headed back to where it all started, OZ Arts Nashville, on Sunday, November 24 at 5 pm. Building on the successes of past years, this year is shaping up to be our biggest and most exciting TASTE yet. A diverse and lively group of attendees will enjoy food and drink samples from over two dozen of Nashville’s best-known chefs and mixologists, a silent auction that will bring out the competitor in the kindest among us, and a DJ to keep you moving throughout the night.

All proceeds benefit the chamber’s foundation. Our mission is to educate, inspire and empower LGBT business professionals throughout Nashville and the surrounding area. With multiple ways to get involved, from sponsorships to attending, now is the time to get on board. Visit to find all the information for this event, get involved with TASTE, and to purchase your tickets!

Annual Meeting + Holiday Party 

Our annual meeting + holiday party will be held on Thursday, December 12 at the Nashville Children’s Theatre. We will have the privilege of previewing “Auntie Clause” and hear about the upcoming performances of “Secret Soldiers: Civil War Heroines in Disguise”. Please check our website for registration information. You don’t want to miss this event! 

Gearing Up For Session

We are preparing for the legislative session to start in January. We will be back up on ‘The Hill’ to beat back all the anti-LGBT bills that we fought last year. We need your help in doing so. Stay engaged by signing up for our action alerts and joining the chamber. 

LGBT Business Enterprises

If you are an LGBT+ business owner, now is the time to certify your business. While certification is $500, that fee is waived if you are a member of the Nashville LGBT Chamber. Join our chamber at a Copper/$300 level (or above) and certify your business now. Mayor Briley’s executive order for LGBT-owned businesses, affirming their inclusion as a recognized category for metro procurement, opened up so many doors with metro government and other quasi-governmental Nashville entities, not to mention all the corporations that have diversity spend initiatives. Our website has all the information needed to certify your business as an LGBT Business Enterprise (LGBTBE). 

Get involved

We hope to see you at one, if not all, of the opportunities, previously mentioned. Join us!


To learn more about Joe Woolley and the Nashville LGBT Chamber of Commerce, please visit