Tips from a Professional Organizer: How to Prepare for your Best Company–Yourself!
by Susan Gardner Staying in place the past year led to an examination of what “home” really means. In the initial weeks it felt like extended snow days, and social
by Susan Gardner Staying in place the past year led to an examination of what “home” really means. In the initial weeks it felt like extended snow days, and social
The key to an organized event is making it true to you and reasonable in execution. Ideas flow and communication stays open when you and your fiancé/spouse/friends and/or family are in sync on the core of what you want.
This month, I describe our sometimes-complicated relationship with clutter. When we understand our clutter, we can move to healing. Regrets lessen, flow is released, and memories find a settled place.
As a professional organizer who specializes in chronic disorganization, I know about clutter. As a survivor, I know about being an inside mess that is reflected as an outside mess. As a pastor, I know about grace and regeneration.
Clutter flows into our houses. With children in the house, things increase with each new activity or size. As we age, the house easily becomes cluttered with inheritances from family members. Some of us attract clutter like Pigpen attracts dust! Sometimes we have a strong reaction as the clutter reaches a dam and it…
Give yourself a day to learn to manage your clutter’s dam system. The Dammed Clutter Retreat will be held in Nashville on Saturday, March 24, 2018, from 9 am to 4 pm.
Three ways that clutter is affecting your health in ways you may not realize. Create a strategy and plan for tackling your hectic holiday season.
Embrace the Messies. Behind the world of minimalism, organization, Ikeas, and Container Stores, lurks the world of messies.
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