Memphis Queers for Palestine Are Here to Resist

Memphis Queers for Palestine are joining the fight against genocide—and you can join them

Half of the people in Gaza are expected to face deadly starvation by mid-July. It is now June, Pride month, and the United States continues to fund this genocide as protesters proceed to lose their livelihoods and face punishment for speaking out against it. Local group Memphis Queers for Palestine has now joined protesting collectives around the world demanding a free Palestine, from the river to the sea—and you can join them.

Memphis Queers for Palestine is a grassroots group formed to specifically support the Palestine peoples from a queer perspective.

When asked to describe their group they stated, “We’ve heard too much silence from the LGBTQ+ on Palestine, and we’re hoping to change that!”

Queerness is not simply about sexuality or who you love. From the late bell hooks definition, along with other feminist and anti-capitalist perspectives, queerness is about resistance and collective liberation.

Solidarity with Palestine continues to be a litmus test—a representation of where your values lie. But showing up for Palestine now requires a more tangible approach steeped in community, togetherness, and persistence. That’s why groups like Memphis Queers for Palestine are so important.

In their own words:

Memphis Queers for Palestine shared a poignant statement below:

There’s no liberation for queer people without the liberation for everyone, and I think a lot of us forget about that. Our ancestors have worked hard and fought for our rights as humans today, and now we must do the same for those around us. If the LGBTQ+ fails to stand up for our brothers and sisters in Palestine now, then we have become complacent and comfortable in a false sense of security. It is important to remember intersectionality as we fight for our own liberation; none of us are free until we are all free, and we can’t have queer liberation without a free Palestine.

How to get involved

Memphis Queers for Palestine will meet this Saturday, June 15 from 11-1pm at Alder Cafe. They’ll discuss who they are and what they’re aiming to do with new applicants, and all are welcome to attend! RSVP is encouraged.

If you would like to be apart of the fight for liberation, find us on our
Instagram @901queersforpalestine or send us an email at!

12 Local Ways You Can Show Support for Palestine