Memphis, Tennessee: Memphis Teen Vision (MemTV) will launch a new website that provides direct access to information on comprehensive reproductive and sexual health to teens. The website includes a range of unique resources including a list of local doctors who will accept teens as patients, resources on pregnancy prevention methods, healthy relationships and abstinence, teen parenting information, and faith based support services. The website also provides a way for parents of teens, mentors, and local advocates to share and receive recent data and research regarding assistance programs for teen parents.
The rollout of the site is set for February 6th, and the URL is During a teen pregnancy prevention needs assessment completed in 2016, MemTV discovered that, despite the existence of many local resources for teens and teen parents, most Memphis teens were unaware of the support that was available to them. To help raise awareness and increase access to these resources, MemTV rolled out an initial site created in 2012. However, connecting teens to the site still posed a challenge for the coalition, as robust marketing strategies were still a heavy financial burden for the coalition. Since then, the coalition has raised resources to relaunch a new and improved site, offering Memphis teens current, age appropriate, scientifically accurate information.
“We are so excited to offer this resource to young people and their parents. We are proud that the website provides access to vital, life-saving information never been made this accessible to our teens. This is a win for Shelby County, our teens, their families and our community,” said MemTV Chair, Cherisse Scott.
If you would like for your organization to be a part of Memphis Teen Vision, please contact the MemTV Executive Committee at
About Memphis Teen Vision
Memphis Teen Vision is a collaborative effort of more than 30 agencies, programs, and organizations in Shelby County committed to reducing the rate of teen pregnancies and increasing support for parenting teens.
MemTV’s vision is a future where all teens are taught comprehensive sex education, teens’ onset of sexual intercourse is delayed, teen pregnancies are reduced, and teen parents are provided assistance. Our mission is to create a coordinated community response to teen pregnancy and parenting that includes (1) comprehensive sex education for teens including abstinence and contraceptive information, (2) services, support, and education to pregnant and parenting teens, and (3) strong policies and programs that promote adolescent sexual health.
Media Contact
Name: Cherisse Scott
Phone: (901)310-5488
Email address: