Experience A Night of Elegance during New Year’s Weekend: Sunday, December 30, 2018, in Nashville, TN. This will be a night of romantic ambiance for the lover at heart… so make it a date night. Enjoy amazing music, cocktails, food, live entertainment and a fabulous drag show. This is another Grown & Sexy, Dress 2 Impress event for the mature LGBT community compliments of Another Candii + CatDaddi Production!
We afford opportunities for the LGBT community to expand their talents whether it’s a host, show director, deejay, organizer, pageantry contestant, drag or live gender non-conforming artist. We look for areas to bring awareness and to bridge the gap in our communities.
Our special guest for the night is Atlanta’s very own TEN Trans Entertainment Network founded by Stan G. Lucas. Stan has worked with several industry heavy hitters and celebrities to bring more visibility for transgender artists.
Krystal Beverly is one of TEN artists. She will grace the stage performing live music from her new album.
There will be a Death Drop and J Sette battle as well. Individuals and groups will perform the following dance styles in a competitive fashion:
The Death Drop has become the go-to, show-stopping … an extension of the art of Voguing from the ’80s incorporating a maneuver… when a dancer dramatically falls backward into a struck pose on the ground, usually to end a dance.
J-Sette is a dance style popular in the gay African-American club scene. Borne from all-female, Southern drill-teams and is characterized by sharp, explosive movements choreographed in tightly executed routines.”
There will be a sizzling drag show hosted by the witty Zyrennee Gabanna Cartier and the lovely IONA as show director.
“IONA began her drag career in the early nineties in Nashville doing benefit shows. After many titles, IONA is your current reigning Miss Boro Pride. She is a staple to the Murfreesboro Drag Scene. As always it’s her pleasure to join Candii and Cat Daddi in any endeavor.”
“Zyrennee has been hosting with Candii and CatDaddi for many years. After doing shows for 4 years, she took a break to get married to an amazing man. And was asked to come back to host for Candii and CatDaddi to deliver her outrageous comical style once again.”
Early Bird Tickets are available until December 15th and VIP Tickets are available now at:https://www.eventbrite.com orhttps://www.facebook.com/events/265805207618435/.
Candii + CatDaddi Production