Mr. Gay Canada 2019 and Pride Journeys Join Forces to Create Massive Multimedia LGBT Travel Joint Venture

By Focus Staff

Josh Rimer, host and producer of an interstitial program on Canada’s OUTtv and Joey Amato, publisher of Pride Journeys, have joined forces to create a multimedia platform geared towards affluent LGBT travelers aged 34-60. The joint venture will reach a combined audience of almost 2 Million LGBT travelers across North America.

Josh Rimer is the producer and host of travel videos for both his YouTube channel and OUTtv, the national LGBT TV station in Canada.  His YouTube channel has over 33,000 subscribers and OUTtv has over 1.2 million subscribers. Josh is the current reigning Mr. Gay Canada and his show focuses on gay-friendly destinations.

Joey Amato is the publisher of Pride Journeys, a syndicated LGBT travel column with nearly 500,000 monthly readers through nearly 30 media partners around the globe. Pride Journeys recently launched an LGBT Travel & Business Directory and also features travel and lifestyle content on their website. Joey’s social media reaches almost 27,000 followers.

“From the moment I met Josh, I knew we were going to create something special,” states Joey. “Our outlets target the same demographics but using different mediums, so working together seemed to be the perfect fit to serve LGBT travelers.”

The new venture will combine video, print, online and social media content to create the ultimate LGBT travel outlet. Josh and Joey will travel together to destinations to provide coverage on all of their platforms.

“It really is the perfect combination for anyone who wants to reach a significant portion of North American LGBT market” adds Josh. “Together we can get our content seen by even more people in this affluent travel-focused demographic, on a number of platforms, and multiple times.”

They will appear together for the first time since announcing the joint venture at IGLTA’s Annual Global Convention in New York on April 23-27!